Amazing Health

Steam Therapy

Article by:

Joe and Elsa Willis |

2 min read

Steam Therapy


Have you ever tried steam therapy for the lungs or for sinus pressure relief? Steam inhalation can be a powerful aid in healing. Warm moist air directed toward the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract will often help to loosen a dry cough or congestion. Moistening the mucous membranes also relieves irritation and may act as a natural decongestant as the water vapor thins the mucus, making it easier to move.






Important Considerations




  1. Assemble necessary equipment. Be sure the treatment room is warm and free from drafts
  2. Bring water to a boil
  3. Fill the kettle with boiling water and add a few drops of essential oil if desired
  4. Place kettle on hot plate beside bed
  5. Cover spout with a paper cone in order to direct the steam toward patient's mouth or nose. Patient should be 8 to 12 inches from kettle to prevent being burned by the steam. 
  6. Treatment should last for 30-60 minutes, applied two or three times a day
  7. For continuous inhalation, place tea kettle on hot plate without the paper cone and let steam fill the room
  8. If patient desires to lie down, place an umbrella at the head of the bed and drape a sheet over it to form a tent only over the patient's head. Place the kettle with the paper cone carefully under the tent
  9. Once treatment is complete, be sure patient is warm and dry, and encourage bed rest for at least half an hour.


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