Amazing Health

Rocky Road Bliss Balls

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Amazing Discoveries™ |

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Rocky Road Bliss Balls

Guilt-free and decadent, these chocolatey bliss balls are rich and sweet without added sugar or refined fats. Made with carob powder, a healthy chocolate substitute, Medjool dates, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, goji berries, and dried cherries, it’s easy to forget there’s no chocolate in these tasty little morsels. This raw treat is also full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. So go ahead and indulge a little!


2 cups walnuts

22 Medjool dates

3 tbsp carob powder

½ tsp natural vanilla extract

½ cup pistachios

½ cup goji berries

½ cup dried cranberries

½ cup dried cherries

½ cup macadamia nuts



  1. Make the bliss balls: Place medjool dates, walnuts, carob powder, and vanilla in a food processor. Process till nuts are ground into small pieces and dates are mostly smooth.
  2. Add pistachios, goji berries, cranberries, cherries, macadamia nuts and pulse just till mixed and macadamias are still chunky.
  3. Scoop a tablespoon-full of mixture at a time and roll into balls. Roll balls in carob powder, unsweetened shredded coconut, or melted carob chips.
  4. Refrigerate a few hours for firmer texture.


Watch a making-of video here! 

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